D2E Impact on HAD journalist
Journalist gets key training from DOWN2EARTH.
DOWN2EARTH PhD student receives EGU award
DOWN2EARTH PhD student receives EGU award.
General Assembly in Amsterdam
DOWN2EARTH General Assembly held in Amsterdam to plan for final 16 months of the project.
Award for BBC Media Action
DOWN2EARTH consortium member BBC Media Action receives prestigious award.
D2E hosts stakeholder event in Isiolo County
Recent stakeholder event held in Isiolo by DOWN2EARTH via ICPAC
New paper and model published
New paper and hydrological model led by Quichimbo at CU.
New blog on NDCs
New blog written by Climate Analytics.
DOWN2EARTH held its Year 1 General Assembly!
DOWN2EARTH held its Year 1 General Assembly.
DOWN2EARTH is co-hosting a webinar on forecasting!
DOWN2EARTH is co-hosting a webinar with ICPAC and other EU sister projects, CONFER and FOCUS-Africa.
DOWN2EARTH is hiring!
DOWN2EARTH is hiring a new Project Manager and a postdoc in Rainfall Modelling.
DOWN2EARTH well represented at the GHACOF 57.
DOWN2EARTH Kickoff Meeting
DOWN2EARTH Kickoff Meeting.
Postdoc and Project Manager Opportunities on EU-funded DOWN2EARTH Project
We’re hiring on the DOWN2EARTH project!
Major research project funded by EU Horizon 2020 grant program
Major new research project funded by EU Horizon 2020 grant program.
Project planning workshop held in Bristol
Workshop held in Bristol to plan for EU grant submission.
blog posts
Tailored forecasts for MAM
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH Advisory Board Member, Chris Funk
Update on historical policy analysis
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH Team Member, Winnie Khaemba
A rural tour of Isiolo County (APRIL – MAY 2021)
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH Team Member, Cynthia Wechabi
De-colonising and gendering climate research in the DOWN2EARTH project? Our journey
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH Team Member, Amiera Sawas.
Designing an Agent-Based Model (ABM)
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH Team Members, Ileen Streefkerk and Teun Schrieks.
Forecasting reflections from GHACOF 57
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH Team Member, Dave MacLeod.
Project Overview from D2E PI
New blog post by DOWN2EARTH PI, Michael Singer.
Why I Chose To Work on the DOWN2EARTH Project
A blog post by DOWN2EARTH team member Rhoda Odongo.

An EU Horizon 2020 Project funded under grant agreement No 869550